Grace Yoga

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Moving Energy

Change requires the movement of energy. The natural world is built upon this simple principle. It encompasses laws of physics, chemistry, biology, but fundamentally nature follows patterns that rest on structure. When the structure falls apart, destruction or chaos occurs. Although this too is change, it is not a change that involves mindfulness or order.

We want change that rests on order. Order follows nature's patterns and rules. Boundaries are given in order to provide safety in the midst of change. When change occurs, energy is moved. This movement must happen in an orderly fashion so that destruction is eliminated.

To consider change consider yourself at rest and consider yourself in motion. Consider your energy at rest and in motion. At rest and in motion, consider structure and chaos. What differences do you notice?

Tomorrow begins a significant journey towards change which envelops concepts of rest, motion, energy, structure and chaos. The intention is to explore these concepts using myself as an example to understand our role in the movement of our own energy in order to stimulate positive change.

I decided to record this journey openly in order to maintain my private motivation. When I encounter obstacles alone I can lose heart too early in the race. If I am accountable to others then the focus shifts away from me and toward the higher goal or aim or purpose.

As I let go of certain strongholds that sap energy from my life, I deduce that the movement of that energy toward areas that need my attention would magnify positive change in my life. Those strongholds include: dead relationships, attachments to dead relationships, attachments to comfortable habits that bring destruction versus structure, attachments to destructive thought patterns, attachments to some material items.

What kind of positive change can take place within the next 40 days? How does the movement of energy in positive directions encourage a greater degree of wisdom and courage?
Arlene Bjork
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